Couric and Palin Outtakes: The Unreleased Transcript
As you know by now, Katie Couric’s impressive interview with Sarah Palin aired last week and was subsequently posted on every blog imaginable. Can’t imagine why. Today we were excited to learn that CBS will release additional footage of Couric and Palin. Unfortunately, we have been unable to locate a leaked version of the footage, but we may have unearthed the transcript. It’s posted below, so enjoy. (Note: In the event that what we’ve found is bunk, this site seems to be a great inside source for Palin’s interactions with the media.)
Couric: For several years a lot of attention has been paid to the notion of a burdened and stretched-thin middle class. Do you agree with those who say that our middle class is shouldering an undue burden, and if so, what remedies do you propose?
Palin: Oh, absolutely, Katie, America has a middle class and the state of the economy and job losses is an important concern for working families, what with the taxes people pay for corporations and the rising cost of fuel for livestock and how that has a ripple effect hitting our pocket books. Look, I took on the special interests in Alaska and what’s most important is that we curb all the spending in Washington right now, because it’s so out of control and this is crisis moment for America for so many reasons, and now Barack Obama is on the other side of that, and that’s what John McCain and I will change when we get elected to Washington. I pledge to take out the garbage spending and make sure families all have a vote that counts. One family, one vote.
Couric: Now that President Bush’s second term is winding to a close, what would you say are the top three differences between his presidency and that of former President Clinton?
Palin: Well, everything’s better now, which is the first thing I think we all outta know, is how the White House is a place of honor and integrity again and not filled with all of the sss…, ahh, the Democratic parts about Clinton’s presidency…that Barack Obama was fighting against and that President Bush was able to stop. I just want to say that Americans are smart and so they know these things. I don’t have to tell them or say it back to them! They know America has a lot of pride and we have the flag better now…better positioned in the global environment…the world stage that we’re a part of in our world. So that’s the top difference. That’s the number one better thing about where we are now.
Couric: Do you mean to suggest that Americans believe that the country is on the right track, as some might put it? What about polls that have for a while showed that a majority of Americans are unhappy with the current state of affairs?
Palin: Well, you know what I think about polls? I always say polls are a lot like Swiss cheese because both are full of holes [laughs]. I think polls only tell you a little bit about what Americans are thinking and that a lot of Americans are thinking that Americans are in a much better place after fighting for freedom and keeping Americans safe against those who are trying to destroy and kill us every day in this crisis mode that we are in.
You know, Katie, this is a complicated time full of challenges to Americans, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have the best workforce in the world or that Americans can’t do anything they put their minds to when they put them to it. They drink their milk, you know… they eat their Wheaties, like the commercial said. That’s what’s important. They have strong bones. That’s what we have to keep telling…you know…saying to everybody, which is different from what some of the elitists in the media might say…no offense to you…or... you know...your crew [laughs].
Couric: Finally, Governor, you have been the subject of a large amount of attention in recent weeks for perhaps obvious reasons. Some critics have suggested that the McCain campaign is purposefully restricting media access to you, and that such restrictions are evidence that you aren’t qualified to be vice present. How do you answer those charges?
Palin: Well, I understand that people have a lot of questions because I would too, and that’s fair. People have questions and that’s something people do all the time, and that’s natural…and it doesn’t make a person bad one. Now I’ll tell you this, Katie, that I don’t need to address the nasty critics, the ones who say that I have to answer questions more often or jump through some fancy hoop, because I think Americans know that’s silly, you know, I’m not lookin’ at poll numbers.
I would just say that not every American is from the Ivy League. Not every woman is a magician or the mother of the year, and I think that’s just part of my background, being a regular mom and a fighter, just someone that people on the internet don’t know how to deal with because I don’t hate everyone or travel around everywhere on vacation or think about foreign policy or other issues. I didn’t have parents who sent me around the world with a backpack full of cash, and maybe that’s hard for some people to deal with, but I’m confident that a lot of Americans will realize I’m just like them and see how that makes me qualified, because I’m so ready for this and I always have been, and always. I’m honored John McCain sees it this way, and I'm honored that he chose me, and I just think his judgment is so amazing and really speaks for itself because he has such a long and distinguished record of service and is an American hero, and so we really shouldn’t question him.
Couric: Well, you certainly seem at ease with your new role.
Palin: Oh, definitely! What I would say, Katie, is that America can feel assured that John McCain chose someone who will fight for them and bring America to the brink of greatness and prosperity and time to celebrate and good mornings in America, in the way Reagan did it to us, God rest his soul. I want Americans to know that they can get ready for John McCain and I to do the same thing to them every day. You can bet we’re going to make things right.
Couric: Thanks for speaking with us, Governor Palin.
Palin: Oh, my pleasure! Thank you, Charlie.