Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Rumors: Karl Rove Dying to See "Brokeback Mountain"

It's been slow here, and let me just apologize to you for that, dear reader(s). I found a holiday party to attend last weekend with fellow bloggers and I'm just now waking up. Anyway, stories and scoops are pretty much on hiatus for the holidays, so I thought I'd share this letter from a friend. His sources in DC have been chatting it up about Rove the last few days, among other things. Enjoy, and let me just say Happy Holidays to everyone.

First, thanks for the case of High Life. Second, I had to write you about this funny example of how boring the White House is at Christmas. Most of the chatter over here this week is related to the surveillance blowup--no surprise there. But things are generally slow relatively speaking, so lots of oddball stories have been circulating. Yesterday everyone was abuzz about how they could hear Bush yelling at "the girls" about eating their SpaghettiOs, and the day before that was the squabble Condi's having with Dick over his giving her Jordan Almonds for Christmas again, even though she tells him every year she's allergic to nuts. Who knows what of all the gossip is true, but what I really wanted to tell you is that apparently Rove is chomping at the bit to see "Brokeback Mountain." Everyone's saying he finds a way to mention the movie in every conversation. As usual no one will confirm anything or go on record now that Card started torturing suspected leakers, but still, one of my most reliable sources says talking with Rove on any nonpolicy suff is nothing but "Heath Ledger this, Brokeback that, Ang Lee is so brilliant, yada, yada, yada." So who knew? The master of the gay-themed smear is all a tizzy over a couple of dashing cowpokes.

So there you have it, another juicy bit to ponder while sugar plums dance in our heads.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Found: Diary of a Bill O'Reilly Fanatic

A reader sent in this gem. He found it in an abandoned car in Little Rock, AK during a police investigation. It's an entry from a spiral notebook that was plastered with Bill O'Reilly stickers, careful etchings of O'Reilly's head, and what seem to be quotes from The O'Reilly Factor. The reader reports that the notebook's cover is actually emblazoned with a heart-and-arrow sketch--the words "Bill Forever" are written in cursive handwiting with glittery ink. What follows is a kind of diary from what is recorded only as "monday," though it appears to be recent. Enjoy:


  • Woke up at 6. Thought about Bill while eating Wheaties. Milk going sour. Ate while watching TiVoed Bill from September. TiVo is full but still can't afford the 80 hour model.
  • 7:30. I am crawling the walls a little. New regimen not easy, want to call doctor a lot. Turn on TV again but Katie Couric is there babbling. Buddy says he thinks she's conservative but I know she is a goddammed liberal. Can't look away though. It is like when that kid crashed his car in the front yard. impossible not to stare, but god help me if she keeps disrespecting Matt Lauer like that.
  • 8:45. I call doc. She is not in yet.
  • 9:02. I call doc. She is busy with other people but I'm told to look at the booklet we made last week and try to relax.
  • 10:45. I got so anxious I passed out--I think for 15 minutes or so. spells less frequent now. Feel better watching Bill from last wednesday, telling that commie feminist to shut up. Shut up, bitch!
  • 11:10. Make jesus cry when Price is Right is on. Have been better about that but can't help it when they show them touching a new car like that. feel dirty. get angry because I told doc I don't do it when i'm watching Bill which is why watching Bill is so important.
  • 11:50. I would have chosen showcase number two. Two is always better. Ten minutes till noon!
  • 12:25. Make lunch after stairmaster, listening to radio Factor. I love radio Factor. I love Bill. Goddam liberals piss me off. Goddamn whiners. I guess they would sell Christmas to Osama bin Lodden if they got a chance. stupid fuckers. stupid, stupid, stupid fuckers. Shut up! Shut up! Stupid Jon stewert! Smart alecky liberal lackey!
  • 1:10. Bill giving Franken hell again. I am naked on the floor eating popcorn from a pile on my chest.
  • 2:01. Awesome Factor. AWESOME!
  • 2:07. YES! YES!YES! YES!
  • 2:10. Fire off angy e-mail to sweetjesusihatebilloreilly. Oh my god they make me crazy. LIARS! Attach picture of middle finger decorated with stars and stripes. Then Play wiffle ball in living room with Bill again. this time we are the 1965 Dodgers and Bill gets to be Drysdale.
  • 3:33. Sit by window for a long while. stare at cover of How to Talk to a Liberal. Think about Ann Coulter sunbathing on the beach, wonder about where she goes for vacation. it has to be real nice. where would i go for vacation? maybe the islands or mexico. some place hot. need to sweat and get baked by the sun. some place with a bar and cable. i could take my portable radio for Factor and listen on the beach. i bet she does too--so she doesn't miss factor. look over at clock and my stomach knots, feel sick. waiting is harder today. might get up and stretch for a bit, try to calm down a little.
  • 4:10. Must have slammed face into living room window. Good thing Buddy was coming over anyway. found me there, finally the bleeding is stopped. i'm not going for stitches this time. everyone knows nurses are liberal. probably stitch a damn liberal swasticka in my damn face. cold pak makes a difference.
  • 5:02. Buddy downstairs playing ultimate strike force. i beat it weeks ago but he is slow sometimes. tired now from all the excitement. hard not to open the cabinet for just one to get me through till 8.
  • 5:05. I call Doc. She's home for the day. Fitstein is on call for "emergencies." As if.
  • 5:19. I have to tell Buddy to shut up i can't think. Pouring kalua. I don't care. milk smells worse.
  • 6:00. can't get tylenol out. goddam liberal safety caps. scream at Buddy to go get more milk.
  • 6:35. christ how long does it take to go to 7-Eleven
  • 6:50 fuck if he doesn't get back soon he always DOES THIS SHIT TO ME. fuck it i am just drinking it with ice.
  • so much better with milk. Buddy's stealing my change again i can hear it jingling in his pocket.
  • 7 stop turn it off Buddy factor is coming soon
  • 75yes! FACTOR!
  • fucking ACLU. my god those babies. BABIES!
  • stupid ACU commies. prostitute nazis. shouting everybody down cause they can't eat for themselves! zelluts!
  • Buddy will not stop talking through Factor I'm gonna womp him one. asshole. he always talks. i'm gonna womp him right now
  • i don't care if buddy goes home anyway i can hear Factor i am so hammerd too
  • Factor over my eyes are heavy like sand bags

Friday, December 02, 2005

Cracks in Pro-Life Movement Revealed Now That Post-Roe America Is Within Reach

Washington, DC--Spank Media

Believe it or not, the pro-life movement is in a quandary. It's true that most pro-life advocates are brimming with hope and anxiousness these days, given the seemingly inevitable confirmation of a conservative judge to replace Sandra Day O'Connor on the U.S. Supreme Court. And it's true that decades after the court cleared the way for abortion rights, many in the movement now sense the ultimate achievement is within reach. But contrary to what seems like a solidly unified group, pro-lifers face serious divisions within their own ranks.

"Basically, no one agrees on what to do after Roe is overturned," says Bob Smellmack, a veteran pro-life advocate and executive director of the Texas-based think tank Babies Don't Commit Suicide, Mothers Kill Them. "Right now we're rallying around Alito, staying the course, and crossing our fingers, but even light discussions about post-Roe life reveal some pretty huge cracks. It seems we have many different ideas about how to carry on the messages we've been promoting for so long."

The differences are stark. For conventional pro-lifers, the end of Roe is an opportunity to funnel energy and resources into further strengthening the pro-life base and the specific foundations upon which the movement was founded: protection of the fetus for Jesus. This wing envisions the formation of tightly knit watchdog groups to track the moves of abortion advocates once Roe is buried. A logical step, perhaps, but for many significant players in the movement, it's just one slice of the pie. For these advocates, the point is to capitalize on the fall of Roe and expand the scope of the pro-life cause. Branching out, they argue, will finally allow pro-lifers to attack nonabortion-related issues under the pretense of "choosing life."

It may seem radical, but the post-Roe thinking of the "expansionists" is gaining traction within the rank and file. Although they take their cue in part from promoters of the more popular "consistent life ethic," expansionists appeal to those intent on action and achieving results as soon as possible, regardless of "stupid liberal rules." Accordingly, well-placed sources who spoke exclusively to Spank Media claim that secret cells of Jesus warriors are being recruited to span the country and wage "the mother of all jihads on out-of-control, liberal anti-life laws and establishments" as varied as euthanasia and Comedy Central.

"America will finally be conquered for god," said one recruit we interviewed. "The armies of heaven will pummel this country into total compliance. When Roe is decimated we will go to war to make sure America chooses life all day, every day. In praise of life, we're gonna kick this country in the face."

"When you talk to some of these folks, it's easy to imagine plastic surgery or liposuction clinics as targets of bombings and other violence if a post-abortion pro-life movement goes haywire," says Mac Dubois, a journalist who's been covering abortion issues for a decade. "These really are the visionaries in the movement--the ones who've always seen the overturning of Roe Vs. Wade as the first step in a larger effort." According to Dubois, who interviewed pro-life and abortion-rights leaders extensively for his 2002 book Roe Vs. Wade: Thirty Years On, radicals are a lot closer than outsiders realize to steering the pro-life movement in this direction, effectively opening up countless "pro-life" possibilities.

As Dubois puts it, "It may sound insane to millions of Americans, but to follow this thinking, why should obese people do anything to lose weight? Why reject the fat god has blessed you with? Just who are you to meddle with god's work?" Liposuction, Dubois explains, is perceived as an inhumane procedure created to please the iconic images of liberal Hollywood. It doesn't enhance appearance, it cow-tows to the influence peddling of the same Western doctors who prescribe birth control. "And this is to say nothing of breast enhancement--or reduction--or nose jobs for teenage girls, or those so-called mommy tucks." Just because pro-life radicals curbed the use of violence in recent years, Dubois contends, doesn’t mean the "crazier fucks" in the movement have gone to lunch.

To the contrary, documents and transcriptions of recent pro-life meetings obtained by Spank Media read like the expansionists' ultimate wish list. Moreover, radical pro-lifers are already at work on strategies to achieve the following imperatives: a complete ban on "unnecessary cosmetic surgery"; the abolition of condoms and all other forms of birth control; the outlawing of "ungodly, anti-life speech"; the extermination of PBS; the end of veganism; the prohibition of satire; and the installation of the Reverend Pat Robertson as President of the United States.

For conventionalists like Smellmack, the rise of expansionisism is the nightmare scenario. "For years we've been trying to put the wishes of god and Jesus Christ, our lord and savior, smack dab in front of America’s sinful heart. Now these quacks are threatening to snatch and exploit our positive messaging at the moment of the ultimate victory." Smellmack, a former pest control specialist from Dallas, worries that the young mothers he hopes to reach in post-Roe America will be poisoned by radical "Jesus jihadists" at full throttle. "Imagine, for example" he says, "counseling a young woman about how the glory of god is manifested in the baby she has no means to support, and whose father is nowhere to be found. Imagine having that conversation a day after her friend is maimed because some radicals decide to fire-bomb the Ear Pierce Hut at the mall. That's just not how some of us pro-lifers picture success."

--With thanks to Mac