Letters: What's On Your Minds, Kids?
Dear Spank,
Why is Hillary Clinton so horrible?
Mt. Judge, PA
From everything I’ve read, it’s incredibly difficult to program androids to mimic complex human qualities, such as sincerity. Throughout this tiresome campaign season I’ve come to realize that a lot of what puts people off about Hillary is related to the limits of robotology, if you will. I think that when one thinks of Clinton in these realistic terms, she’s rather impressive.
I don’t mean to be harsh, but perhaps you should pick on someone from your own species.
Hi Spank,
Why is Mitt Romney so horrible?
Hartford, CT
Great question, and it’s one that’s been puzzling me too. I don’t want to be cruel and automatically point out that Mormonism is on the unflattering side of insanity, but I admit it’s hard not to factor in the notion that his religion was founded by a serial rapist, or that his church didn’t realize Black people existed until a few weeks ago. Besides, we can go on all day about religion and get nowhere. So what if Romney’s much-publicized speech last week simultaneously watered down the beliefs of dominant religions while overstating their similarities with Mormonism? So what if he effectively implied that people of no religion have no place in American society? Why does that matter?
Some people might say, what about the fact that Romney is perhaps the biggest flip-flopper in the Republican field? They might also say, why aren’t more conservatives appalled by the searing irony in Romney’s scolding GOP rivals about their conservative values? Some might continue, shouldn’t voters be concerned that Romney says he wants to run the country like a business after having made his fortune as a corporate tyrant? Some might also inquire, is it true that on family car trips he used to put his dog in a pet carrier strapped to the top of the car, and that said dog got so frightened during one trip that he defecated all over the vehicle? Some people might ask, why does he have such a fetish for Guantanamo Bay? Does anyone else get the sense that he actually supports torture? And how does that square with his faith? What would his dog say?
But I don’t know, Jill. I guess I’m stumped.
Dear Spank,
Why is Barack Obama so horrible?
Brewer, PA
Dear Harry,
He’s not.
Dear Spank,
Do you think Rudolph Giuliani will ever stop being horrible?
Los Angeles, CA
I get it. You’re one of those hippie dreamers flogging away on a bongo and smoking dope because you can’t get a job. You think freedom and prosperity happens without sacrificing personal liberties bit by bit, or submitting to the authoritarian tendencies of an egomaniac who married his second cousin in 1968 when your boomer parents were doing what you’re doing now on better acid. You think habeas corpus should apply to terrorists or innocent victims erroneously accused of terrorist activity by their heartless neighbors for CIA cash.
Just stop it, Mim. Grow up. You want a safer America? Have the stomach for a bombed-out Iran. You want a solution to the culture wars? Summon an ounce of pride and support the GOP candidate who’s been married three times and wears dresses while using NYC taxpayer dollars in support of his romantic conquests. You want an efficient White House? Stand up for the only candidate who had the guts to ask Bush to nominate Bernard Kerik for the post of Secretary of Homeland Security, a man who could potentially be convicted of crimes worth a maximum of 150 years in jail. That’s leadership, Mim. That’s toughness, and it’s what America needs. Get with the program.
Take care of yourself,