Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Immigration Protests Bring out the Love

A few sources have sent in reports on Monday's "Day Without an Immigrant" demonstrations. The work is fantastic, so I've thanked all my contributors while paying them sub rosa with grossly inadequate wages. Since their accounts don't add much to what's available from a multitude of media outlets, I'll spare you the redundancy. That said, I can't help but share a few morsels from a correspondent out west who spent time covering the smaller, somewhat sickly-looking anti-immigrant protests. Among other things, he recorded the following slogans brandished by proud counter-demonstrators:

  • Go Home, Slaves!
  • Exploited workers of America, go fuck yourselves!
  • Go keep the price of produce down IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY!
  • My ancestors entered illegally LONG BEFORE this was a political football.
  • Stop ruining the country and taking our shit-wage jobs! Also, we love Wal-Mart.
  • I smoke pot and beat my common-law wife, but you're still BREAKING THE LAW!
  • Jesus Supports Secure Borders
  • If my son hurts himself mowing the lawn, his blood is on your hands!
  • 98% of all crime in America is committed by illegals WHO DON'T EVEN PAY TAXES!!!

Oh, fun. Maybe America's amnesty for allowing the immigration problem to fester for so long is to legalize its workforce. Seems obvious to me, but I'm just one guy. One drunk guy.